Please consider joining the Salem Repeater Association

The Salem Repeater Association relies on your membership dollars to pay the general maintenance and operating costs of the repeater systems. By funding these expenses out of membership dollars, we leave the income from the annual Salem Hamfair for improvements, expansions and major repairs.


Please send completed form and payment to:

P.O. BOX 722
SALEM, OR 97308

Please check one:Renewal: []New Membership: []

 Regular membership at $20.00 annually

NAME_____________________________________________________ CALL__________________

ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________

CITY _______________________________________ STATE _________ ZIP___________________

HOME TELEPHONE ______________________________________

EMAIL __________________________________________________

NOTE: Only one membership is requested per family per year. Each regular membership entitles you to ONE vote at the annual meeting. All memberships run from April 1 to March 31 each year.

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