145.33 was the second of our repeaters and has been up for over 20 years now. It was originally used exclusively for RTTY and has moved around over the years, from Popcorn Hill in West Salem, to Prospect Hill in South Salem, and now back to West Salem up on Eagle Crest.

In the summer of 2011, the 145.33 system was moved to Eagle Crest, approximately one mile north of its original location on Popcorn Hill. Now at an elevation of approximately 1,100 feet, the repeater views the Willamette Valley and can be accessed from the Portland/Vancouver area easily as well as west to the top of the coast range and east to the foothills of the Cascades.

The repeater is currently a Motorola Commercial Continuous-Duty System, as are its sister stations (146.86 & 147.02).  The system uses four cavities, a ferrite isolator and split antennas to allow better coverage and receiver sensitivity. It is supported by an automated emergency power supply.

The 145.330 repeater identifies as W7SRA (SRA club callsign). System operator for the 5.33 machine is Don Brusch, K7UN.
To report any repeater problems, Don can be reached by email. with comments or concerns.

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